Wednesday, February 18, 2015

4: 4-59

Problem: Determine the magnitude of force F in cable AB in order to produce a moment of 500 lb * ft about the hinged axis CD, which is needed to hold the panel in the position shown.

Variable Solution:
a = 4 [ft]
b = 6 [ft]
c = 6 [ft]
MCD = 500 [lb⋅ft]

Numerical Solution:
F = MCD⋅(4a2+b2)1/2⋅(csin(tan-1((4b2+a2)1/2/c)))-1⋅(2acos(tan-1(a/(2b)))-bsin(tan-1(a/(2b))))-1
→(500 [lb⋅ft])⋅(4(4 [ft])2+(6 [ft])2)1/2⋅((6 [ft])sin(tan-1((4(6 [ft])2+(4 [ft])2)1/2/(6 [ft]))))-1⋅(2(4 [ft])cos(tan-1((4 [ft])/(2(6 [ft]))))-(6 [ft])sin(tan-1((4 [ft])/(2(6 [ft])))))-1
F = 162.0 [lb]

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